diciembre 05, 2006

OMG!, Nuevo disco de Metallica... ¡AL FIN! Llega en buen momento para mí...

ROCK... TECH... CINE.... y CHIMICHANGAS: Nuevo disco Metallica

Nuevo disco de Metallica... cuando leí esto tanto en A::A como aquí en los blogs del blogger solo me dediqué a una cosa: ABRIR LA BOCA Y EXCLAMAR "WTF?", en fin, Metallica es una de mis bandas favoritas desde que empecé a escucharlos en la secundaria (Ya los escuchaba a los 5 años, pero nunca les presté tanta atención en aquél entonces... XD), y la verdad ya me sentía extrañado de que no sacaran algo fresco de sus cabezas... hasta el día de hoy, que leo la noticia de que van a sacar nuevo album... eso si, en Youtube ya está la nueva canción que interpretaron en vivo, ¿Mi opinión? Suena a Reload pero un poco más rudo.
La FURIA ha regresado hermanos, y esta vez esperemos que sea algo que deje huella (espero que sea como un "Metallica Rebirth"... XD). /

New album of Metallica... when I read this in AnimArte forums and in here, in Blogger, I just did one thing: OPEN MY MOUTH SO BIG AND SAY "WTF?!", well, Metallica it's one of my favourites bands ever, since I have listened them in the Junior School (Secondary School *) (But I listened them for first time when I was 5 years old, around the 90's), to be honest I missed they haven't launch some fresh music from their minds... until today, that I read the new... by the way, in Youtube it's the new song (Untitled yet.) that they played live, My opinion? Sounds like Reload but more heavy... XD
The fury has back my brothers, and let's hope this were something good (like a "Metallica Rebirth"... XD).


*Translate notes: I'm a little confuse about the next school from Elementary School, it's junior school, doesn't it?. Well, it's between elementary and High School.

octubre 03, 2006

Convención Internacional y el pajaro que trataba de pasar por un vidrio. / International Convention and the bird which try to pass through a glass.

Panel 1:
"This past convention, I wasn't well... I can't meet and talk with any pretty girl..."
Panel 2:
"My friends and I were suppossing to be together. We ended dispersed."
Panel 3:
"However I met a great artist, a great person and, maybe, a new friend..."
On the first arrow:
I looked like a fanboy or even worse: Some kind of a prone to faint "Fangirl" when she is seeing her idol... XD
2nd. Arrow:
Red without her riding hood.
3rd. Arrow:

Panel 4:
"Met ElSevilla have made my mood to get better, but, if that wasn't enough, the plushies I had buyed the past week arrived on monday afternoon... makes me very, very, very happy, after have been depressed for a year."
"Soon in my DeviantArt gallery a little "Quickie" titled "Kawaiilander, The Moe Little Girl"."
"Next year's proyect: Do some excercise for lose weight and do a cosplay of Takashi 'Mori-kun' Morinozuka."
Mori. - Ohh!

Ohh... casi me olvidaba / almost forgot:
El martes, un pajarito apareció en mi cuarto, ¿Cómo entró?, ni idea, pero ahí me ven tratandolo de atrapar, nos tuvo a mi mamá y a mí como 10 minutos haciendonos tontos el baboso pájaro, pero al fin, después de que me mordiera 2 veces (Si, los pajaros muerden, y sentía cosquillas... XD) al fin lo sacamos para afuera. Salió como alma que lleva al diablo, pero por fin fué libre.
Ese día sentí mucha ternura por haber liberado al pajarito de ahí... y me hizo más feliz de lo que estaba el lunes.
En pocas palabras el domingo, el lunes y el martes fueron los días en que estado más feliz, después de 1 año de estar deprimido. /
The tuesday, a bird appeared in my room, How did it enter into?, I have no idea, but my mom and I tried to catch it like 10 minutes, we looked like dorks and the bird had made some fun of us; but at last, after it bit me twice (Yeah, the birds bite, and it tickles me... XD) we let it go outside. The bird go out like a flash, however it was free.
That day I feel a lot of tenderness by set the bird free from my cave... and makes me happier than I was the monday.
In other words, the sunday, monday and tuesday were the happiest days I had, after a year of being depressed.

Takashi "Mori-kun" Morinozuka, © Bisco Hatori.
Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa, © Shouji Gatou.
Lumiere, © gímik/GONZO/GOTT
Red Riding Hood, from Lullaby, The Wisdom Seeker, © Hector Sevilla Luján

septiembre 28, 2006

Horrible fin de semana. / Horrible weekend.

Panel 1.
JR. - Hi Julia, Do you have free time today...?, No?, I was thinking to invite you... ohhh, then everyone will go out tomorrow, but let me know about it.
Panel 2.
JR. - Hey, What happened with the reun...? I'm charging the cell phone, in fact it's still connected to the plug... yeah, but for that reason I gave you the phone number of the house... however, I can't go, It's late and there's no bus. Ciao.
Panel 3.
JR. - Always it's the same, always... well, I have something to watch, the Episode 25 of Ouran, It'll be very interesting.
Panel 4.
Morielo. - For god sake JR!, Why do you prefer watching that than being with your friends?
JR. - At least THEY don't forget to tell me when they go out. *

*In spanish, "Go out" means "salir", it's usual to use it when a TV show begin or will begin. In English, the transliteration could be "...when they begin their show.", but it's still too vague.

Host Club members (Tamaki, Kyouya, Mori-kun, Honey-kun, Haruhi, Kaoru, Hikaru) are © by Bisco Hatori, Eclair © by Bones (I don't know if was created by Mrs. Hatori or whatever. XD)
By the way, Morielo it's my character based on a friend of mine, so Morielo is © by me.
And yeah, the draw it's little crappy because I haven't enough time... X3

septiembre 19, 2006

A half of a week in... my f***** life. / Media semana en... mi ch#$%@"@ vida.

Panel 1.
JR. - Ok, let's begin this exam... nah, this is so easy... let's see... How can I do this?, I think like this, wrong... damn I'm fricking nervous...
7:00 A.M., Circuits analisys' exam. Time limit: 2 hrs.

Panel 2.
JR. - Fine, I'm finishing this, I just need to do these diagrams and...
Teacher. - The exam is over, guys.
11:00 A.M., Data Structure I. Time Limit: 1 hr.

Panel 3.
JR. - Bleh, Why I waste time in studying?, The exam was so stupid...
9:00 A.M., Management (Admininstration). Time Limit: 1 hr.

Time spent in the exams: / Tiempo usado en los examenes:
Circuits: / Circuitos: 45 min
Estructura: / Structure: 1 hr.
Administración: /Administration: 45 min

Saber que la regaste en algunas cosas: / Know you did wrong in many things: